Previous academic outputs

Since mid-2021, the Military Innovation Network has been organizing itself to discuss, share our work, and network with PGRs and ECRs within and outside King’s. Our work resulted in concrete research outputs.


King’s Doctoral Workshop on Military Innovation: the network organized a workshop with over 30 participants discussing multi-theoretical, cross-national and interdisciplinary aspects of change in military organizations in a series of panels, keynotes and fireside chats with senior academics and policy practitioners. Read our workshop report here.


Conference Panel, KCL: The Network organized a Panel named “Defence Reform and Military Transformation in a Changing World” School of Security Studies Annual Conference held on 09 June 2022. The event was chaired by Dr Bence Nemeth (Department of Defence Studies), and composed of PGRs from Cranfield University, King’s College London, and University of Bath.

Conference Panel, BISA: The network organised a panel for the British International Studies Association annual conference in 2021 entitled “Defence Reform and Military Transformation in a Changing World: Cross-regional Approaches to Military Change” with representatives from Cranfield University, King’s College London, and University of Bath.